County Clerk/Register of Deeds
Debra S. Girard
PO Box 276
Osceola, NE 68651
Phone – (402) 747-5431
Fax – (402) 747-2656
E-mail –
The Polk County Clerk/Register of Deeds Office is located on the second floor of the Courthouse in Osceola, NE. The office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The office is open during the noon hour.
If you wish to update your voter registration, you can do so by clicking on the online voter registration link on this page.
Please call our office at 402-747-5431 with any questions you may have.
To check the status of your early voting ballot or to see your sample General Election ballot go to:

Functions of the Clerk’s Office
The Polk County Clerk’s Office has a wide range of duties. Some of the main duties are issuing marriage licenses as well as tobacco and liquor licenses and handling payroll for employees as well as paying all the bills for the county. The County Clerk is also the Secretary to the Commissioners and records all proceedings of the board and attends all of their meetings.
The Clerk must countersign all warrants issued by the commissioners, which have been signed by the chairman. The names of all county officials, their signatures and their seals of office must also be reported to the Secretary of State by the Clerk.
Because of Polk County’s population, the County Clerk’s Office is also the Register of Deeds and Election Commissioner.
Functions of the Register of Deeds Office
The register of deeds has the power to take acknowledgements, administer oaths, and certify the same by his or her signature. The register must keep a book in which every instrument filed for record in his or her office is entered and an official seal. Since the register of deeds is not an elected office in Polk County, the county clerk acts as ex officio register of deeds.